Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Look Back

I'm still new to this... so bear with me as I try to put in a slide show. Since there's not a ton going on until the weather warms up significantly, I thought I'd start documenting what's gone on before... So I'm starting with some picutes I took back in 2003 when I did my walk-through. I didn't know it at the time, but there had already been several open houses with only one low ball offer. I was so giddy during the walk through that the selling agent was probably already counting his money. Why would I be so giddy, you might ask as you look at this slide show??? It was just what I wanted - I wanted out of apartments and into something that could be my own project. And the price was right. And how could I resist all that moulding? And of course, I really had no idea how big the project was going to be...


Gabriella said...

Holy WOW! I'm speechless. Those pictures are incredible. Your house is so pretty now!

Unknown said...

thank you... Sometimes I have to pull those pictures out to remember what it used to look like, so I know I have done something, you know?

alisa and sometimes brandon said...

I'm no renovation guru, but you've done a lot of work! I have a dream about renovating a house, but I don't have the gusto like you to go through with it. :)

Unknown said...

You could do it.
Sometimes necessity is the motivator!